Publications from the 2010s with arXiv numbers:
Well-Posed Two-Temperature Constitutive Equations for Stable Dense
Fluid Shockwaves using Molecular Dynamics and Generalizations of
Navier-Stokes-Fourier Continuum Mechanics 1001.1015
Time-Reversal Symmetry and Covariant Lyapunov Vectors for Simple
Particle Models in and out of Thermal Equilibrium 1004.4473
Flexible Macroscopic Models for Dense-Fluid Shockwaves: Partitioning
Heat and Work; Delaying Stress and Heat Flux; Two-Temperature Thermal
Relaxation 1005.1525
Three Lectures: Nemd, Spam, and Shockwaves 1008.4947
Nonequilibrium Fluctuations in a Gaussian Galton Board (or Periodic
Lorentz Gas) Using Long Periodic Orbits 1011.2543
Maxwell and Cattaneo's Time-Delay Ideas Applied to Shockwaves and the
Rayleigh-Bénard Problem 1102.2560
Free Energy Changes, Fluctuations, and Path Probabilities 1104.3928
Local Gram-Schmidt and Covariant Lyapunov Vectors and Exponents for
Three Harmonic Oscillator Problems 1106.2367
Time's Arrow for Shockwaves ; Bit-Reversible Lyapunov and "Covariant"
Vectors ; Symmetry Breaking 1112.5491
Steady Periodic Shear Flow is Stable in Two Space Dimensions .
Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics vs Navier-Stokes-Fourier Stability
Theory -- A Comment on two Arxiv Contributions 1203.1374
Another Hamiltonian "Thermostat" - Comments on arXiv Contributions
arXiv:1203.5968, arXiv:1204.4412, arXiv:1205.3478, and arXiv:1206.0188
Linking Microscopic Reversibility to Macroscopic Irreversibility,
Emphasizing the Role of Deterministic Thermostats and Simple Examples,
At and Away From Equilibrium 1205.1276
Microscopic and Macroscopic Rayleigh-Bénard Flows : Continuum and
Particle Simulations, Turbulence, Fluctuations, Time Reversibility, and
Lyapunov Instability 1205.4633
Comment on "Logarithmic Oscillators: Ideal Hamiltonian Thermostats" -
arXiv:1203.5968 1206.0188
Time-Symmetry Breaking in Hamiltonian Mechanics 1302.2533
Hamiltonian Thermostats Fail to Promote Heat Flow 1303.6190
Time-Reversible Random Number Generators : Solution of Our Challenge
by Federico Ricci-Tersenghi 1305.0961
Why Instantaneous Values of the "Covariant" Lyapunov Exponents Depend
upon the Chosen State-Space Scale 1309.2342
Shockwave Compression and Joule-Thomson Expansion 1311.1717
Heat Conduction, and the Lack Thereof, in Time-Reversible Dynamical
Systems: Generalized Nosé-Hoover Oscillators with a Temperature
Gradient 1401.1762
What is Liquid? Lyapunov Instability Reveals Symmetry-Breaking
Irreversibility Hidden within Hamilton's Many-Body Equations of Motion
Ergodicity of a Time-Reversibly Thermostated Harmonic Oscillator and
the 2014 Ian Snook Prize 1408.0256
Deterministic Time-Reversible Thermostats : Chaos, Ergodicity, and the
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics 1501.03875
Ergodicity of the Martyna-Klein-Tuckerman Thermostat and the 2014
Snook Prize 1501.06634
Ergodic Time-Reversible Chaos for Gibbs' Canonical Oscillator
Comparison of Very Smooth Cell-Model Trajectories Using Five Symplectic and Two Runge-Kutta Integrators
Ergodicity of a Singly-Thermostated Harmonic Oscillator
Time-Reversible Ergodic Maps and the 2015 Ian Snook Prize 1507.01645
Nonequilibrium Systems : Hard Disks and Harmonic Oscillators Near and Far From Equilibrium
An Appreciation of Berni Julian Alder
The Equivalence of Dissipation from Gibbs' Entropy Production with
Phase-Volume Loss in Ergodic Heat-Conducting Oscillators
A Tutorial: Adaptive Runge-Kutta Integration for Stiff Systems : Comparing the Nosé
and Nosé-Hoover Oscillator Dynamics
Order and Chaos in the One-Dimensional Phi-4 Model : N-Dependence and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
From Ann Arbor to Sheffield: Around the World in 80 Years. I
Yokohama to Ruby Valley : Around the World in 80 Years. II
Singly-Thermostated Ergodicity in Gibbs' Canonical Ensemble and the 2016 Ian Snook Prize
Singly-Thermostated Ergodicity in Gibbs' Canonical Ensemble and the 2016 Ian Snook Prize Award
Instantaneous Pairing of Lyapunov Exponents in Chaotic Hamiltonian Dynamics and the 2017 Ian Snook Prize
Bit-Reversible Version of Milne's Fourth-Order Time-Reversible Integrator for Molecular Dynamics
Fluctuation Theorem and Central Limit Theorem for the Time-Reversible Nonequilibrium Baker Map
Time-Irreversibility is Hidden Within Newtonian Mechanics
The 2017 SNOOK PRIZES in Computational Statistical Mechanics
The Phi-Four Model, Chaos, Thermodynamics, and the 2018 SNOOK Prizes in
Computational Statistical Mechanics
Ergodic Isoenergetic Molecular Dynamics or Microcannonical-Ensemble Averages
The Nos\'e-Hoover, Dettmann, and Hoover-Holian Oscillators
Aspects of Nos\'e and Nos\'e-Hoover Dynamics Elucidated
Aspects of Dynamical Simulations, Emphasizing Nos\'e and Nos\'e-Hoover Dynamics and the Compressible Baker Map
Random Walk Equivalence to the Compressible Baker Map and the Kaplan-Yorke Approximation to Its Information Dimension
2020 Ian Snook Prize Problem : Three Routes to the Information Dimensions for a One-Dimensional Stochastic Random Walk and for an Equivalent Prototypical Two-Dimensional Baker Map